:mod:`arche.data_quality_report` ================================ .. py:module:: arche.data_quality_report Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: DataQualityReport(items: JobItems, schema: Schema, report: Report, bucket: Optional[str] = None) .. method:: create_figures(self, items: JobItems) .. method:: plot_to_notebook(self) .. method:: plot_html_to_stream(self) .. method:: create_appendix(self, schema) .. method:: save_report_to_bucket(self, project_id, spider, bucket) .. method:: score_table(self, quality_estimation, field_accuracy) .. method:: job_summary_table(self, job) .. method:: rules_summary_table(self, df, no_of_validation_warnings, name_field, url_field, no_of_checked_duplicated_items, no_of_duplicated_items, price_field, price_was_field, no_of_checked_price_items, no_of_price_warns, **kwargs) .. method:: scraped_fields_coverage(self, df: pd.DataFrame) .. method:: coverage_by_categories(self, df, tags) Make tables which show the number of items per category, set up with a category tag :param df: a dataframe of items :param tags: a dict of tags